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Holler 2021

To pay for her education, and the chance of a better life, a young woman joins a dangerous scrap metal crew.
6.2/10 IMDb
Drama As "Holler" (2020 release; 90 min.) opens, a teenage girl is running away with two large bags of empty cans. We soon learn that she is Ruth, a high school student in rural southeastern Ohio. She and her brother Blaze are barely getting by, delivering scrap metal to the local scrap yard. Their mom is serving time in the Jackson County jail on unspecified drug charges. On top of all that, the house where Ruth and Blaze are staying at has no running water and several eviction notices... At this point we are 10 min. Into the movie but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.